Verse 1:
Good Shepherd, He who knows His own
Just as the Father knows the Son
His own in Him abiding
In darkest pain or brightest hope
No fear of evil can take hold
As long as He is guiding
He slays the wolf, expels the thief
His rod and staff, they comfort me
He’s protecting and providing
He leads beside still waters
Restores my soul
Leads me down, leads me
Through the valley
Through the unknown
The way led by His sovereign hand
Verse 2:
All we like sheep have gone astray
All have turned to their own way
Chasing our own pleasures
But He left behind the ninety-nine
Found me, gave me abundant life
Now I’ll dwell with Him forever
My God who laid His own life down
Who bore my cross to grant me His crown
Eternally my treasure
He leads beside still waters
Restores my soul
Leads me down, leads me
Through the valley
Through the unknown
The way led by His sovereign hand
Now every gain I have is loss
Compared to knowing Christ my God
My Savior and Defender
Now every gain I have is loss
Compared to knowing Christ my God
My Savior and Defender
He leads beside still waters
Restores my soul
Leads me down, leads me
Through the valley
Through the unknown
Through the unknown
He leads beside still waters
Restores my soul
Leads me down, leads me
Through the valley
Through the unknown
The way led by His sovereign hand