The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself
The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself
Not miracles, not benefits
Or a means to what we want to get
The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself
No day exists outside His will and plan
No worry adds an hour to the numbered days of man
Through storms that rage and doubts uncaged
His word eternal stands
He’ll finish this good work which He began
May we know Christ and strive to make Him known
May we ever be in awe of the grace that He has shown
Though our souls are prone to follow idols to lesser thrones
We’ll know Christ and strive to make Him known
The Goodness of the Gospel is coming soon
So wake up from your slumber, forsake your whitewashed tomb
When He comes, the Righteous One
He’s making all things new
When sin, strife, and the like are all removed
May we know Christ and strive to make Him known
May we ever be in awe of the grace that He has shown
Though our souls are prone to follow idols to lesser thrones
We’ll know Christ and strive to make Him known
The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself
The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself
Not streets of gold, not days of old
But cherishing our Cornerstone
The Goodness of the Gospel is God Himself