Hinged on Colossians 1, Great God Above is a song that simply preaches the preeminence of Christ. Our goal with this song is to simply make much of the person and work of Jesus, and to respond to His glory in full submission.
Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and to Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on February 4th, 2022.
A pillar of church hymnody for over 300 years, When I Survey heeds the call of Galatians 6:14 and boasts only in the cross of Christ. Thinking about believers singing this hymn and pondering the cross together for several generations motivated us to breathe some new life into it. We added a chorus to help tie the verses together for modern audiences, and we’re excited to share it with you as we join in the tradition of singing great gospel-saturated songs that the Church has been singing together for hundreds of years.
Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and to Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on August 25, 2021.
This song is meant to shed light on the fact that the good news is always good. Yes for the sinner, but it continues to be good news for the saint. The gospel keeps giving grace to the undeserving, and that should keep us captivated for all of our days!
Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and to Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on July 1, 2021.
Hinging on scriptures such as Matthew 23:27, Philippians 3:8, Mark 16:15, Matthew 6:27, 1 Peter 1:25, Matthew 24:35, Romans 7:19, and Revelation 21:4-5, this song is intended to serve as a sobriety test, a soul examination: Does your heart long for Jesus, or did you say yes to Jesus simply because He could do something for you? The Gospel is not simply transactional, it’s about getting to know and be known by a good, gracious, wonderful God. The goodness of the Gospel is God Himself.
Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and to Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on March 24, 2021.
An ever-popular verse of scripture, Psalm 118:24 says “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 2020 was a rough year for everyone as we learned to navigate and felt the impact of a global pandemic, but we’ve been so encouraged watching churches keeping their heads down and doing the hard work of ministry in the midst of such unforeseen circumstances. This kinetic rock and roll track is meant to serve as a reminder that God is in control, and that our response to that should be joy even if the circumstances are less than ideal.
Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and to Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on January 1, 2021.
In Romans 7:18, Paul says, “For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” Just a few short verses later in chapter 8 verse 1, he says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This juxtaposition is so difficult to wrap our minds around as Christians because though we have earned the wrath of God (Romans 1:18), He not only absolves us of that guilt, but he also imputes His righteousness to us (2 Corinthians 5:21). No Good celebrates the mystery of the gospel, God’s grace in saving sinners! We hope you’ll celebrate with us through this energetic anthem! Thanks to Alan Goodwin for engineering the drums for this song, Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing, and Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on March 27, 2020.
Colossians 3 calls those who have been raised with Christ to set our minds on things above. This song reminds us that while we are battling between the now and the “not yet”, while we are facing daily struggles both internally and externally, we have a Savior who is constant and who is seated at the right hand of God, interceding for us. Our prayer is that this reminder would push the believer to live a life of joy that centers around future glory, so that while we are in the midst of a fallen world, our lives would reflect the hope that we have in a Savior who is making all things new. Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for mixing and Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering. This song was released independently on February 28, 2020.
Grace That Is Greater is our own spin on a classic hymn that beautifully articulates the grace of Jesus! Though we are ill-deserving, though we all fall short, though we wage war against God by our constant sin, He covers our guilt with His blood and pronounces us as righteous by His amazing grace! Christian, there is much to be thankful for, and this song celebrates the fact that we can’t out-sin the grace of God! Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for mixing and Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering, Alan Goodwin for tracking the drums, and Luke Moseley for his talents on the keys. This song was released independently on January 31, 2020.
Red Runs White boasts of the joy that believers have because of the finished work of Jesus! Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for mixing and Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering, Alan Goodwin for tracking the drums, and Luke Moseley for his talents on the keys. This song was released independently on January 1, 2020.
Still Waters is rooted in Psalm 23 and John 10, pointing to Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for mixing and Joe Causey at Voyager for mastering, Alan Goodwin for tracking the drums, and Luke Moseley for his talents on the keys. This song was released independently on November 29, 2019.
Thing song was written for Advent to encourage the church with the preeminence of Christ from creation to current. We released the song on December 10, 2016. Thanks to Chase Hairston for his lyrical contributions, and thanks to Alan Goodwin for lending his expertise for mixing and mastering.
We wrote this one for Good Friday in heart-wrenching gratitude for the costly grace of the crucifixion of Jesus. What I Deserve was released on March 24, 2016, and we thank Emma Crick for laying down some awesome vocals and Alan Goodwin for lending his expertise for mixing and mastering.
Creator Born was written for the Advent season to celebrate the incarnation of Christ. We released the song independently on November 25, 2014. Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing this track, thanks to Drew Lavyne at All Digital Mastering for putting the finishing touches on it in mastering, and thanks to Emma Crick and Morgan Gaines for lending their voices to the song.
This EP was our first official effort at writing songs for the church. Taking the command of Scripture to sing “a new song” to the Lord (Psalm 33, 96, 98, 149, Isaiah 42, etc), we acknowledged that that Lord is still at work and is still revealing more and more of Himself to us, so we began writing songs that stemmed from our personal study, corporate sermons, small group discussions, etc. We released the record on February 28, 2014, and while it’s evident in a few of the songs that we were still figuring out our style and writing process, our goal was (and still is) to sing songs with substance that are rooted in Scripture and edifying to the church. The title track (“Stripes Speak Out”) is our effort to sing the truth of the gospel in its simplicity, and it remains a staple for our congregation. “The Innocent” explores the depths of Ephesians 1 and what it means to be called a child of God. “All for Love” was our first effort at a congregational worship song, diving into the truth of 1 John 4. We were able to do more production on this release than most of the others, so we appreciate Maye Thomas for lending her vocal talent, Dustin Ransom for playing some extra keys and percussion, and Cara Fox (cello) and Eleonore Denig (violin) for the fantastic string arrangement on the title track. Thanks to Jared Fox at Fox Den Studios for producing and mixing the record, and thanks to Nathan Dantzler at The Hit Lab Mastering for polishing everything for us.